Friday, January 16, 2015

Taking stock

Taking a que from one of my favorite blogs, tales of me and the husband, and offering up a fun post on Fridays.

Jackson Lake, frozen over

Making: Homemade mayo...where has this been all my life?! Go HERE for the recipe. So delicious and a base for so many other good sauces and dips. Minimal ingredients, all of which you probably have on hand. Whatever you do, do NOT use extra virgin olive oil. Made that gross. 
Drinking: La Croix orange with fresh squeezed orange juice and La Croix lemon with fresh squeezed lemon juice. My afternoon pick me up. 
Reading: Interrupted by J. Hatmaker, been trying to go through this study for months I tell you, MONTHS  
Wanting: to go to Target, ya'll. Closest one is 2 hours away. What I would give for a Target run. 
Watching: Downtown Abbey (Mary?! So scandalous!)
Listening: T. Swift. Everyday. 
Eating: hard boiled eggs, apples, and almonds for breakfast. Whole30 is rocking my world, in a good way.
Smelling: Thymes Fraiser Fir candle, the one with a wood wick. So cozy.
Wishing: For more snow.Tons and tons of fresh powder. 
Enjoying: Cold weather
Loving: This season we are in as a family. Blog post about our big move coming next week. 
Hoping: To purge some toys. This rental we are in is short on storage and I feel we are busting at the seams!
Needing: To exercise. Story of my life. 
Feeling: Excited to head back to those sweet, southern rolling hills in March to visit family and friends and hopefully see my nephew be brought into this world.
Wearing: Sorel boots, with the fur. A staple for Wyoming winters. 
Bookmarking: The Hunted Interior. Such eye candy for interiors. 

Have a great weekend. Get out and do something adventurous and new. 

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