Saturday, December 20, 2014

Baking with kids: Easy Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies

Most days, my younger two do a great job of playing together and coming up with all kinds of imaginary things. Their recent favorite is playing dog and cat thanks to our furry neighbors, Dexter, Kingston, and Cricket. Anyways, the other day I could tell they were in need of a structured activity. With snow falling and temperatures fairly chilly, I decided to bite the bullet, all kitchen messes that would occur aside, and bake something yummy with them in the kitchen.

I settled on easy gluten free peanut butter cookies that I had seen on instagram via The Happy Goose.  The ingredients are minimal and I knew they would have a lot of fun rolling the dough into little balls and smooshing them with a spoon. From the looks on their faces, they were serious about their task. :)

If you are looking for something fun to do this weekend with the kids, make these! I used toffee chips in ours, but feel free to substitute with chocolate chips or other fun additions! Next time, I will be doubling the recipe because they were that good. These would make a great little gift packaged up for their friends, teachers, or neighbors. 

Happy Baking! 

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