Monday, January 19, 2015

Head Cheerleader for the dreamers and doers

I want to be head cheerleader of the dreamers and doers.

I want to cheer and encourage that high school senior, the homeschool mom, that empty nester, the retired grandmother. I want to tell them to chase after those dreams. Those BIG, crazy, scary dreams.

We live in a selfish and fast 'I want it and I can get it right now' technological world.  Because of this, I think it is harder for us to wait, to trust, to have faith, that the same Jesus that healed the sick and walked on water can indeed perform miracles in our lives today. It makes us want to put a BIG God in a tiny box. Our dreams we once had as young children simply stop because we get too busy and impatient to simply see God work in mighty ways and have our dreams come to fruition. I am so guilty of this. I want things done in "Amy-time."

We also let fear grab hold of us so tightly and get so consumed with the 'what-ifs' and the 'what will so and so think' and the big one... 'WHAT IF I FAIL.'

I have found that it is a combination of those things that leave people stuck, unfulfilled, and downright comfortable in a tidy, well packaged life. This is not God's plan for our lives, friends. He wants us to live a life of full surrender and abandon. He wants us to be a bright light in a dark world. He wants us to get uncomfortable and messy. He wants us to live a life of PURPOSE, for Him.

I have been alive for 31 years. I have had a roller coaster of life experiences. It is through those things that I know these things to be true...

Be brave enough to dream.    
Don't base your life on other people's expectations.    
Be intentional, be intentional, be intentional.
Believe that the Lord will fulfill His promises to you. -Luke 1:45
God will confirm, restore, strengthen, and establish you. -1 Peter 5:10
There is so much going on behind the scenes. God is ALWAYS at work, even when it seems He is silent.
{And never, ever underestimate the power of driving down the road with windows down and music blaring to clear your head and slow your soul.}

Yes there will be naysayers and negative Nelly's and people who call you crazy and want you to know that what you are doing is a terrible mistake. Don't listen to them. Instead, find "your people."

My TN people! I've got some beautiful friends! 

It will be those people who will pray you through. It will be those people that rally with you in your dreams. They aren't perfect, but guess what, neither are you! Grab your megaphone and pompoms and cheer for people. There is room for you. I think this world needs a few more head cheerleaders.

****The Lord has laid it upon my heart to share the stories of women I know that are living their dreams and giving Him the glory. I want to allow them to use this space at Mountain Callings to share their hearts, in the hope that one of their stories may touch you in a way that moves you. That maybe you will see a flicker of one of your dreams in them and it will prompt you to chase it like crazy. As I thought through this idea, He one by one brought these women to my mind. They are all incredible. Some have started non-profits, others small business, some are stay at home mama's. They are all lovers of Christ. They are all living such beautiful lives, for Him.

As these next weeks unfold, I can't wait to introduce them all to you. And if you have a story that He is wanting you to tell, I would love more than anything for you to write your heart here. Shoot me an email if you feel led. In the meantime, grab your people. Cheer them on. Let them cheer YOU on. Dream and do and dream and do again. For Him. All for Him.

Be blessed!

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