Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Wanderings: Slide Lake

Saturday was BEAUTIFUL, not a cloud in the sky and fairly warm. We were itching to get outside with the kids for a fun family day. The outdoor possibilities of places to go and be adventurous and active here are seriously endless. After several recommendations from friends, we decided to rent some snowshoes and go to Slide Lake. Seeing that there has been very little snowfall here in the past couple of weeks, we probably could have saved the 40 bucks and not rented the snowshoes and just hiked in our boots. You live and learn. Just a little info for those interested...Slide Lake is located in the Bridger-Teton National forest. This is a natural lake created by a landslide in 1925 which dammed the Gros Ventre river. This area is so different than the Teton views we are used to seeing, but still just as awesome. It has a great backroad to get to it (goodness knows I love me a good backroad). We had a blast and made some really great memories. Kyle thinks it was probably a 2 mile hike, roundtrip. The kids were troopers and we only heard minor complaints and requests to be carried on the trek back. :)

We didn't obey the signs and went off the trail to find a spot to sit for a bit and let the kids play. They had so much fun sliding down the hills on their bellies like penguins. We got some great video coverage of that to send to the grandparents. We also brought stuff to make hot chocolate so that was a big hit. All 3 kid are becoming quite the outdoor enthusiasts. 

I still pinch myself sometimes, that hey, we ACTUALLY live here. The things our kids are experiencing are unlike any other. To us, it is truly one of the best gifts we could give them.


Looking ahead to Thursday, I can't wait to share the first dreamers and doers guest blogger! She is a girl after my own heart, with a crazy love for Africa. I can't wait to introduce her to you. The lineup of ladies throughout the month of February is incredible, each with a unique dream, passion, and purpose. Show them some love and cheers in the comments section here and on social media outlets. 

Also, if you haven't already, head over to Facebook and "like" the Mountain Callings page. I would SO appreciate it if you did and maybe even hit that sweet little share button. :) I also decided to change my instagram handle to Mountain Callings to streamline things a bit. I'll still be posting the same, maybe even a bit more often over there on the IG (my favorite form of social media). One of my goals in 2015 is to grow this space on the internet. I struggled for a bit, praying for God to reveal what He wanted this to look like, not that I want to be known, but that I want to make HIM known. I believe with all my heart that my journey He writes for me (and your journey He writes for you) is meant to be shared. I know that this is the outlet for me, for now anyways, to share His truth. All that to say, thank you for supporting me so far. xoxo

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