Saturday, December 20, 2014

Baking with kids: Easy Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies

Most days, my younger two do a great job of playing together and coming up with all kinds of imaginary things. Their recent favorite is playing dog and cat thanks to our furry neighbors, Dexter, Kingston, and Cricket. Anyways, the other day I could tell they were in need of a structured activity. With snow falling and temperatures fairly chilly, I decided to bite the bullet, all kitchen messes that would occur aside, and bake something yummy with them in the kitchen.

I settled on easy gluten free peanut butter cookies that I had seen on instagram via The Happy Goose.  The ingredients are minimal and I knew they would have a lot of fun rolling the dough into little balls and smooshing them with a spoon. From the looks on their faces, they were serious about their task. :)

If you are looking for something fun to do this weekend with the kids, make these! I used toffee chips in ours, but feel free to substitute with chocolate chips or other fun additions! Next time, I will be doubling the recipe because they were that good. These would make a great little gift packaged up for their friends, teachers, or neighbors. 

Happy Baking! 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

the beginning

So before I start writing "official" posts and pictures, I thought I would do a quick introduction and housekeeping post for those of you that would like to follow along over here at Mountain Callings.

This little slice of the internet has been years in the making. I first started blogging back when I was pregnant with Caden. I used it as a scrapbook of sorts. After he was born, I wrote about all those new mama things and of course, lots and lots of pictures. I then switched to a new blog and documented my pregnancy with Baylor, as well as our adoption journey to Hannah Cate. I included faith posts and home decor things and other random stuff. After a quick bit of Pinterest fame over some DIY no sew roman shades I posted, I panicked over the amount of blog traffic I was receiving. It was too much too fast. I was very uncomfortable with the fact that so much of my life was out there for anyone, anywhere in the world to see. I also felt so ill-quipped to write and share my life. I mean, who was I? Just a mama to 3 with nothing super important to share. I thought it was going to be a blog loosely followed by friends and family and the occasional stranger. So, in a panic I took the blog down and never posted there again. 

Through the prompting of my dearest friends, I have gone back and forth trying to decide if I would give this blogging thing a go again. The timing never did seem quite right and I didn't have a clear idea of the platform I would use or the direction I would go in my writing. It was one of those things that if I was going to start blogging again, I was going to do it right. 

When we had our breakthrough and saw our dream of moving west coming true (more on that coming soon!), the Lord VERY strongly prompted me to create this space. So, friends, here we are.

First and foremost, this will be a place where God will be glorified. It is a small glimpse into our family's life, not the whole picture. We are imperfect, we are sinners. Don't let the glossy photos or happy smiles or the writing fool you. In a sense, we are a mess of a people just trying to honor the Lord and share His love and the work He is doing in our lives. 

This will also be a place filled with things that inspire me, that keep me dreaming, that slow my soul and warm my heart. My prayer is that when you visit here, that it might do the same for you. 

Those boxes over there on the right will navigate you to specific posts relating to those topics. Tribe...all things kiddo related, Wanderings...our adventures, Faith...words from my heart, Homestead...home decor, recipes, house tours, DIY. 
There are also buttons where you can follow me on social media and of course, my email. 

I am looking forward to sharing the many things I love and find beautiful with you. Comments are SO very welcome. They encourage me and help me with content (what you are interested in reading about and what not), so comment away! 

Happy Thursday! Christmas is ONE WEEK away!